The image below provides a high-level overview of the compile process before R8 was introduced. R8 was introduced in Android Gradle plugin 3.3.0 and is now enabled by default for both app and Android library projects using plugin 3.4.0 and higher. In order to generate JaCoCo unit test coverage reports for Android projects you need to create JacocoReport tasks and configure them by providing paths to source code, execution data and compiled classes. A Gradle plugin that adds fully configured JacocoReport tasks for unit tests of each Android application and library project variant. Instead add your code into the adle which is in the app module. The error you are seeing is because you are trying to apply the plugin to the project level gradle file. error plugin with id 'jacoco-android not found

Run with -info or -debug option to get more log output. Try: Run with -stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Error: plugin with id '-services' not found.